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Old 01-14-2019, 08:05 AM
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David Thompson
Join Date: Dec 2018
Location: Carrollton, Ga
Posts: 95

Leon. I agree. Is the same for me. Being a Braves fan and suffering through all the home town choking of the early 90’s then the strike of 94 right when we felt like we were going to finally win one. Then 95 came and braves won. I honestly could have cared less. I have just now got back into watching baseball like I did before the 94 junk last season. Acuna makes the league minimum. Chopfest prices for signatures are crazy this year. I don’t know where they game is headed but I love the books of older players like Kit Carson And 3 finger ol mordecai brown. I wish we could go back to those days and just forget the money. Such a shame to me why the worship of mammon must bastardize all good things. Shame shame

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