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Old 01-19-2019, 01:37 PM
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Garth Guibord
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 970

Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth View Post
I don't like basketball much anymore. I much prefer the Bird/Magic/Jordan/Isiah era with a premium on passing and team play.
Through my lens, which mainly is around the Boston Celtics, I see passing and team play as the main avenue towards success today. When the Celtics make the extra pass and play strong team defense, they are very good. When they don't, they struggle. And often both sides of the coin are exhibited during the same game (if not quarter).
I see the modern game, with an emphasis on spacing the floor and a premium on 3-and-D players, having success with passing and team play. Sure, there are teams that do ISO, but even the Warriors dynasty is about creating space and finding the open shooter most of the time.
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