Thread: On the easel...
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Old 01-23-2019, 07:29 AM
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Graig Kreindler
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 1,421

Hey everyone,

Hope you're all having a great start to 2019.

Things on my end continue to be busy in almost every regard. My kids are certainly keeping my head on a swivel, and with Jonah (my youngest) finally starting to walk and become more vocal, I imagine it's only going to get more intense. With them being in daycare part-time, if I can get 20 hours of work/painting done in a week, then it's a reeeaaallllyy good one.

However, I'm doing my best to press onward, and in the past few months, have finished these guys:

Christy Mathewson, 1912, 20" x 26"

Leopardos de Santa Clara, 1923, 30" x 48"

The Leopardos painting was a real toughie (though admittedly, not as life-sucking as the '27 Yankees canvas). I had been doing all of those color studies for Jay and his Negro Leagues project, but this one was for a different client and was a nice opportunity to do a fully realized piece on such a similar subject. I'm hoping that I get to paint more of the Negro ad Cuban Leaguers like this, as it was a real honor to paint this club. In my mind, these guys are just as interwoven into the fabric of the game as much as the players in the white leagues. I just hope I did them justice.

Speaking of the Negro League stuff I'd been doing to Jay, I don't know if I posted these here (and if I did, I apologize), but he released a set of postcards commemorating a centennial team of players (who were voted on by visitors to the website and Facebook page). The result was a 34-card set that looks pretty darn good, methinks. If anyone wants to learn more about it, check out the below link:

Anywho, as always, thanks for checking out the thread. If you have any comments, critiques or questions, feel free to post.

Hope y'all dig 'em!

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