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Old 01-30-2019, 11:30 AM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Originally Posted by jchcollins View Post
We'll see. I think I have until 9 pm tonight before the 48 hours is up anyway. The buyer in question (who does have a lot of good buyer feedback) appears to deal in bulk volume, tons of items every month - so they may just naturally wait to pay everybody at once, who knows.

Agree with you I hate they took away the right for sellers to leave a negative. I didn't even know this until about a year ago, and was flabbergasted when I found out. When I first started selling on eBay there was no such thing as PayPal - some buyers were horribly slow and took nearly a month to send you a questionable looking personal check in the mail...and then you had to wait another 2 weeks for it to clear. To me that kind of thing occasionally merited a negative if your cards were tied up just waiting that long, and you could have perhaps moved them elsewhere. But it was also a different time and thankfully situations like that don't really exist anymore. 99% of my buyers pay immediately online. I guess I just didn't have that set as a requirement with PayPal this go-round.
It hasn't even been 2 days relax. If you need paid right away make sure to put that in your item description. Have you even tried to ask the buyer when they expected to pay for your item?

I am like Adam and sometimes wait 3 or 4 days to pay if there are other items ending within a few days so I can just pay for them all at once.

I also understand that $200 can be a lot of $ that is needed ASAP. I have been there. I am kind of a jerk, so if someone opens a non paying bidder case on me without first emailing me. I always wait till the last minute to pay. Did I mention I am sometimes a jerk.
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