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Old 02-04-2019, 12:01 PM
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jchcollins jchcollins is offline
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Default Slip N' Slide Slabs?

Why is it that the occaional PSA slab will contain a card that moves around and jumps up and down in it like nobody's business? This drives me nuts and more times than not when a card does this, it doesn't survive in the slab for long around me. I'm not talking about oversized issues and older slabs where they guessed or just made it fit into something, I'm talking about standard size, 1957 and later Topps baseball cards. I know the thickness differed from year to year, and I'm guessing this is something that PSA simply has not perfected. Companies like Pro-Mold and UltraPro clearly haven't either - the former's "oversized" one-screws for pre -'57 cards and most of them slip around in there. The same for the magnetic cases - the 2.5 by 3.5 cards from the late 50's were thicker than those from later, and stay in place just fine - but if I put a 1970 Topps card in one of those, here we go again bouncing up and down and all around.

Until this can be perfected, I will continue to sing the praises of penny sleeves, top loaders, and Card Saver I's. Oy.
Postwar stars & HOF'ers.

Last edited by jchcollins; 02-08-2019 at 08:26 AM.
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