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Old 02-07-2019, 04:23 PM
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Jobu Jobu is offline
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: WI
Posts: 3,777

I am very sorry to hear about your father, my condolences. Maybe keep 1-2 of your favorites for the memories instead of selling the whole collection?

I wouldn't rush to accept the first offer, it looks like you have a pretty nice collection there so you ought to find significant interest. I see a few ways to go for selling them, all depending on the amount of work you want to do.

1) Get them graded and then list them on eBay (or on the Net54 BST) at the prices you want and wait for them to sell (I wouldn't auction them by yourself).

2) Send them to an auction house - there are many that will do a good job for you. They will also take care of getting them graded for you and may even pay you a visit in person if you will consign the whole collection.

3) Sell them to a dealer. There are a few who may travel to you for a collection of this quality and size. Don't just walk into the nearest card shop and accept that offer though.

#1 will be the most work but has price certainty and perhaps the highest net to you. #2 and #3 will be about the same amount of work. The dealer will give you a guaranteed return while the auction house has a chance to hit a few home runs (and conversely, have a few strike outs). The auction route will likely give you a higher net than selling to a dealer.

I am sure the thread will have ample suggestions for dealers and auction houses, and some will certainly send you messages through Net54.

No matter what you pick, good luck! And again, sorry for your loss.

Last edited by Jobu; 02-07-2019 at 04:36 PM.
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