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Old 02-10-2019, 05:12 PM
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Ben North
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Originally Posted by Skatehabitat24 View Post
Not sure about the printing being any different. Same placement, color and position. My pictures suck, but the writing when im looking at it in my hands seems to match exactly especially the color. Your card has perfect side to side centering while mine is off by a decent margin. The up and down seems a little skinny and suspect on the top of the card because our bottoms look very similar in regards to spacing I do agree. I could measure my card pretty accurately. When I hold it on its side and look at the sides themselves I just dont see any evidence of trimming, but again I have no idea. Thank you guys.

Edit: I put the brown card on top of the green cobb card to compare sizes and it looks the exact same size if not a nano meter(idk what to call it) bigger. Both side to side and up and down seems to be same size. Again I have no idea if that helps or if it proves anything.
What does that gold sticker on the case of the card of M Brown say?
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