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Old 02-19-2019, 10:56 AM
lumberjack lumberjack is offline
Mic.hael Mu.mby
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 160
Default joss

I'm struck by the simplicity of the monument, which was the sort of modest statement people would have made 100 years ago (let's face it, Joss was a big deal in Cleveland when he died).

It's kind of cool that you did this. At a time when we didn't know much about the lives (and deaths) of the early ballplayers, the historian Lee Allen used to haunt graveyards and clerks offices seeking out death information and surviving relatives of obscure ball players. Nobody did that then.

As for the email, I'm reminded of a letter to the editor that appeared in Rolling Stone around 1968....The writer said something like, "I was just sitting in my bathtub singing "Hillbilly Heaven" when the guy on the radio said, 'Tex Ritter has died,' I'm wondering what does this mean?"

The people at Rolling Stone replied, "It means it's your fault he is dead, man."

Sometimes it's all just chance. Addie Joss (like Bix) lives.
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