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Old 03-30-2019, 02:03 PM
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Jerry G Jerry G is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 682

"lot 222 - Mack & McGraw 1st All-Star Game
(doing that hands/bat thing, anyone know what that's called?)"

We always called it "bottle caps." For example, "Let's do bottle caps to see who bats first." In this case, McGraw tossed the bat vertically to Mack who caught it somewhere near the middle. Then, they alternate hands to the top. Top hand chooses. However, once near the top, if there is not enough room for another whole hand, you can employ a bottle cap. If there is room, you can wrap your pinky, ring finger and thumb under the knob of the bat and then cover the top with your pointer and middle finger; you win by virtue of the bottle cap!

In this photo there is not enough room for a bottle cap so, McGraw wins and gets first choice.

Some cool pics here. Good luck!
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