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Old 05-04-2019, 05:44 PM
Rich Klein Rich Klein is offline
Rich Klein
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Plano Tx
Posts: 4,524

With the exception of Mr. Trout, the new card market is real simple. If you sell while player is hot and everyone who wants those cards you will make money,.

If you hold out for maximum dollars, you lose a big percent of profit.

if you buy on the downside and player makes another run, sell as quickly as possible

If you buy on the downside and player never makes another hobby run but ends up with HOF type numbers, the hold will net you an eventual win,

If you buy on the downside and the jig is up so to speak, then you are probably out most of that money.

Would I be buying any Nick Stenzel's, Vlad Guerrero Jrs or other players who are on the up market right now. No, I'd be selling into the up market and not looking back. Most of the time I'm proved correct by doing so.

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