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Old 05-19-2019, 05:35 PM
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Fballguy Fballguy is offline
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Originally Posted by Tim Zwick View Post
Geez Rob, comprehension is quite the challenge for you eh? You're giving that shovel some workout today. You see I am actually quite attentive to details and the OP's original question was basically answered in post #2 by Bobby for all intent and purposes. It was then that you chimed in and took the thread in another direction and have had the large majority of posts since (should that set off alarms like bidder 543?). The OP actually made his final post in the thread right after your original post, then you started on your mission to sully Mr. Richmond's reputation with this bogus snipe hunt about some guy you found that places mostly a lot of $1.00 and $1.05 opening bids on his items. Just what does this have to do with shill bidding anyway? Do you now comprehend? You changed the direction and basically brought another reason to light with your bogus theory for people to bring into question this seller.

You took dead aim at Mr. Richmond with your first post then expanded it even though you showed only four bids from bidder 543 of his current 95 items listed after your deep dive into bidding records until you got tired. Or were these the only current bids you could find? Doesn't matter. Opening bids such as these are harmless. Then after about 24 hours when no one was taking your bait you post some dribble about this "interesting bidding phenomenon" to try and stir some response to your conspiracy ideals. Then the final straw was earlier today when you made your crack about Mr. 543 bidding on "every listing the guy puts out there."

I don't opine often here but will when I see unwarranted character assassination and something like this take place. There are plenty of good eBay sellers here on Net54 that I would take the same position on and support them also. Look we learned in this thread both how bids can be made so quickly and also how to get recent listings quickly through an app feed (Thanks John!). As I said before, there are plenty of bad actors out there - why not concentrate your efforts where they're more useful instead of at an honest seller who's just collateral damage in your misguided trek?
You seem exceptionally dim but I have to ask. Why do you keep bringing up "current" bids? What difference does it make if they're current or not?

You apparently aren't very familiar with ebay so to you it's not odd that there's a bidder that likes to bid immediately then never again...repeatedly. I spend a lot of time researching sale prices and auction results on ebay and to me it's unusual. I'm just curious as to what the advantage or point of it is.

And if you're compelled to bloviate another wall of moronic words in response, make sure you include a direct quote in which I accused anyone of anything. If you can't do that....then just stop typing.
R0b G@@13t
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