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Old 06-06-2019, 06:33 PM
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brianp-beme brianp-beme is offline
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Originally Posted by CMIZ5290 View Post
What??? It also looks like it's been in someone's bicycle spokes (no offense) Am I missing something? I can't believe this thread....Just because there are a couple of corrupt dealers out there, we now just disregard high grades? Wow....We are taking this PWCC thing way beyond the spectrum....
I have always disregarded high grades...didn't need a scandal to push me toward lower condition. And there are plenty others out there like me, who, for various reasons collect in a similiar fashion (for me it was a matter of economics, but also just plain not wanting something as old as a vintage PreWW2 card looking like it just came out of pack).

Ideally in my mind one of the better outcomes of this whole mess would be that the focus would, at least in our vintage neck of the baseball card world, shift at least a little away from the investment aspect, the registry chasing, the 'buy the label, not the card' mentality toward something more balanced and collector friendly. There will and should always be a place for folks looking for the best, but I would love to see more energy in the hobby focused upon the love of collecting, the sport of baseball, and its wonderful history captured on cardboard.

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