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Old 06-09-2019, 08:04 PM
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joshuanip joshuanip is offline
Join Date: Nov 2017
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 539

What if you consigned a $10,000 card, but the auction was ending and the highest bid was $1,000. Most auction houses would allow you to withdraw the lot, but let’s say that was not an option.

Personally, if my consignment realized 10% or even 20% below last sale, I would be disappointed, but wouldn’t shill it because that is market. Win some lose some.

But in the case where the audience is not appreciating the card and there is an extreme discount 50+%, as in the example above, which may be caused for some reason outside of market factors, say a hobby ban from an auction house causing artificial depression of bid activity, and the discount to market is egregious enough where I would want to buy it back, then I would bid on my own card with the full intention of buying it back and paying the nominal consignment fee to get my card back.

May not be popular opinion but being honest.
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