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Old 06-13-2019, 10:17 AM
SMPEP SMPEP is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 880

Originally Posted by darwinbulldog View Post
Certainly true that social desirability effects can significantly sway poll results, but I can attest that in the case of the example you raised, much of it comes down to ability (not that I ever threatened to leave the country if a certain election didn't turn out as I'd hoped, but right after one particular election, and with no vacation plans, my wife and I did go to the trouble of getting passports for all of our kids, including a toddler, and looking for jobs and houses in New Zealand; it just turned out we didn't get any of the jobs that would have allowed us to buy any of the houses, or we'd be there now). Anyway, anyone should be capable of not consigning to or buying from a particular AH.
Actually both of my next door neighbors did leave when our current President was elected. In the case of one of them ... it was a loss to our country ... or at least to the number of beautiful and rich women in my neighborhood.
Looking for 1923 W572 Walt Barbare and Pat Duncan.
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