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Old 07-17-2019, 04:15 PM
Throttlesteer Throttlesteer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 830
Default The one that got away.....and then you got it back!

Amidst the hobby chaos, I wanted to share a positive story. I briefly mentioned this card in another post several weeks back. But, there's now more to the story. When I was in college, I worked for a sports cards store and collected mainly hockey and some current (at the time) baseball and football. My boss used to show me some of the neat, vintage pre-war stuff he would pick up. One day, he showed me this really cool, bright orange Cy Young card. It wasn't in the greatest shape and it certainly wasn't centered. But the colors were vivid and it just looked awesome. He agreed to let me buy it and essentially put it on "layaway" while I paid $50 out of each paycheck. I eventually sent it off to SGC and it ended up coming back a SGC 40. Subsequently, I ended up trying to build the E101 set and got about 2/3 of the way there. The story goes south there and I ended up having to sell everything off due to a divorce. I look back and the one card that I miss the most was the Young (I had the Cobb, one of the Wagners, etc..).

I've seen the very same Young pop up once or twice for sale, but always lost out with the runner-up bid. I managed to find a nice SGC 5 Dockman Young and the price was right, so I bought it to fill the void. It's a great card, but it still wasn't the E101 Young. Two weeks ago, a board member put my old E101 Young up on Ebay and I ended up winning it back. Having bought the card over 25 years ago and losing it 10 years later, I'm excited to finally get it back. A big thanks to Moonlight Graham (Joe) for making it available. He had since reholdered it in a new SGC holder, but it still looks just as awesome as the first day I saw it.

What was your one that got away, that you got back?

An$on Lyt!e

Last edited by Throttlesteer; 07-17-2019 at 04:24 PM.
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