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Old 07-26-2019, 01:40 PM
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Luke Lyon
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Seattle
Posts: 3,978

When Gary asked me I said in terms of proportions, Napoleons feel like AB460 (minus the 12 easy ones). Which is just one notch below Carolina Brights in my opinion.

The correct answer really depends on what ratio of T206 to T207 we use. If it's 20:1 we're going to get a different answer than if it's 10:1.

The difference in price makes it a little tough to compare as well. I have around 40 Napoleon backs, and a big reason for that is I can afford them when I find one for sale. If I'd had the money, would I have been able to buy 400 or 800 Carolina Brights backs in the same time period that I've been buying Napoleons? I'd guess probably not. In that same time period I have probably owned 30 CB backs, the limiting factor being money.

So, I'm leaning more toward Hindu as a decent comparison after thinking about it a little more.
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