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Old 08-22-2019, 11:32 AM
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brianp-beme brianp-beme is offline
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Originally Posted by Bugsy View Post
It couldn't solely be 1912 because Bugs Raymond was out of baseball by then and, in fact, died in 1912. Just looking at a few random others, Bob Spade last played for Cincy in 1910. Same with Purtell with the White Sox. Lafitte was only with Rochester in 1910 and Getz last played with Boston in 1910. Same with Babb in Memphis (1910).
Good to know about all these examples of players in the set more associated with 1910, but they all could be the result of laziness of whoever produced them, whereas the John Knight is an example of the producers being on top of things...perhaps the guy in charge was a John Knight fan.

I feel that because these Square 'Colgan's' are so relatively scarce, that it makes most sense that they were only issued one year. Right now I can't think of a multiple year issue that is as scarce as these cards are.

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