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Old 09-05-2019, 07:12 AM
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Rick McQuillan
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Wisconsin
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Default package

Originally Posted by Brucepug View Post
When a parcel is scanned the scanner should send a gps signal to the “system”. You should be able to call the post office and see where and when the package was scanned. Then you can see if the mailman is incompetent or the buyer is either a scammer or had his package stolen.
That is correct. The gps tracking is incredibly accurate. When I was still working for the PO, I used gps tracking to locate packages. I would be able to tell customers things like -"Have you looked in your garage?", because the tracking was that precise. I could also tell them - "It looks like it was delivered to 406 Oak St instead of 408 Oak St". Then I would go where it was delivered and get it take it from the incorrect address to the correct address.

When you go to the PO to file a complaint, always insist on talking to the Postmaster or Supervisor. Some clerks can use the GPS tracking tool, but usually it is a management employee who has access to it. If it was correctly delivered, they can print you a map that shows exactly where it was delivered. It will also show the time of delivery. If the package shows that it was scanned as delivered at 10am and your carrier normally delivers your mail at 3pm, then there is a problem and the Supervisor should take that up with the carrier.
Rick McQuillan

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