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Old 09-19-2019, 06:10 PM
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perezfan perezfan is offline
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Originally Posted by Leon View Post
As long as registry collectors don't care if they are defrauded it won't matter.
I think the Registry People fall into 4 basic categories...

1. Those who only care about the number on the flip. It does not matter to them, that the card is proven altered. Their undying faith and love for PSA supersedes any common logic and indisputable proof of alteration. They do not even question how the card received its assigned grade. They just like to look at the number.

2. Those who are in denial. They don't think there is any scandal brewing. They poo-poo the concept of card doctoring, and do not think the "before and after" photos constitute proof of any wrongdoing. They cannot even admit that the two images are of the same exact card. To them, the PSA assigned grade is the word of God.

3. Those who emphatically state "NOT MY CARDS". They acknowledge the doctoring and alterations, and PSA's thousands of grading errors. But miraculously, none of these "mistakes" apply to their specific cards! They know for a fact that their cards are good... either they were graded before the scandal, or they were looked at by a second set of eyes, or they were purchased from a reputable dealer, blah blah blah.

4. Those who care deeply, and value the credibility and legitimacy of their collections. They do not want any altered cards residing in their collections, yet they have no knowledge of the corruption. If they knew they were sitting on tainted cards (and spent huge sums of money acquiring them), they would demand justice.

I believe that #4 constitutes the biggest group. It's just a tiny percentage of collectors who frequent these forums, and are aware of what's really happening. If there was a better way to spread awareness, there would be more outrage, call for change, and ultimately some much needed regulation.
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