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Old 10-20-2019, 06:49 AM
Huysmans Huysmans is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2014
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Originally Posted by whitehse View Post
I am more inclined to agree with the above. We cannot all sing Kumbuya while sitting around a campfire together but we cannot eliminate those posters who get under the saddle of others either. I am a firm believer that in society we must all learn to deal with everyone regardless if they are jerks or not so we must do the same here. Ignore the posters you don't like, or click past their inflammatory posts and if they get too personal I know Leon will step in as he has in the past. The less touchy feely we are with each other in all aspects of our lives the more tolerant we will become.
Well said, with your last sentence especially apt.
Acting easily offended seems to be the trend with some nowadays, modern people crumble under even just a hint of adversity... Its pathetic.
Instead of trying to police everyone's behavior to coincide with what YOU think is acceptable Ethan, why not just be a big enough person to move on and ignore it, instead of expecting the entire forum to bend to your standards?
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