Thread: eBay is a joke
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Old 11-15-2019, 09:18 AM
Fuddjcal Fuddjcal is offline
Chuck Tapia
Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by jchcollins View Post
eBay has now had 20+ years with an ironclad grip on the pulse of the sportcards and collectibles market, and they have basically done very little with it. They had plenty of time to grow with the collectors using their services, to become subject matter experts, and to establish practices and procedures which would have led to a greater weeding-out of this type of crap still seen today, but they never been able to be bothered with it. Instead now, in 2019 we are still forced to adhere such hobby-specific description nomenclature into listings such as whether a card is "Very Good" or "Like New", oh and don't forget to put which team Brooks Robinson played for on your listing now or we will shut you down. Can't have that. Ridiculous forgeries? Oh that's fine all day long, but...

The almost complete lack of attention / failure to do anything which might remotely qualify as catering to a hobby / industry which has made eBay untold millions of dollars by this point is just...a bit baffling to me.
Very Short sided for the crooked company. I hope they go out of business, but people are way too stupid for that. They will never change.

People have to stop it if they don't like it. I admit, I go up and down with those jack holes. I stay away for stretches and then the easiness sets in and I lose my moral compass. I too am too stupid to stay away. At least I try
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