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Old 12-01-2019, 07:29 PM
Topnotchsy Topnotchsy is offline
Jeff Lazarus
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 1,108

Originally Posted by whitehse View Post
As you know Jeff...I love your collection!!

These things are a history of each game and should be preserved but sadly many are lost to the garbage can. I may have mentioned this previously but I remember a time when I was walking the concourse of Wrigley Field near the Umpires room I saw a grounds crew member looking at two pieces of paper that he tore in half and let the pieces flutter to the ground. I knew right away what they were and picked them up and taped them back together. What the grounds crew guy tore up was the umpire's line up cards for that days game, one of which was signed by Pete Rose. I kept this and all of my other line up cards for years until I liquidated everything a few years ago.

I was able to find a photo of some of the dugout lineup cards I was able to save from the trash heap in my time working for the Chicago Cubs. These would be left taped to the dugout wall only to be tossed the next day when the teams arrived back at the ball park. I would simply go down to the dugout after the ball park was cleaned and pulled them off the wall. Nobody cared as these were going to be trashed anyway and I gained a very cool collectible.

Keep up the great work Jeff. I love seeing your collection grow.
Awesome story. Happy to keep sharing the one's I've picked up. Have a couple of really interesting ones coming in the mail.

Originally Posted by roarfrom34 View Post
Here is the lineup card that hung in the Orioles dugout during Game 3 of the 1970 World Series....After the game it was saved by a fan (with the help of an usher) who then taped their ticket stub to the back of it.

This game was significant for two reasons, one being Dave McNally hit a Grand Slam becoming the first and only pitcher in WS History to hit one and secondly it was the game that Brooks Robinson made a diving catch to his left off the bat of Johnny Bench...The image of Brooks holding the ball up in the air while prone on the ground is iconic to this day....

I've seen you post that one in the past. What a spectacular piece. I know it's part of your PC, or I'd be trying to come up with an offer to get it from you
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