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Old 12-06-2019, 10:29 AM
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Mike Kendall
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Indiana
Posts: 581

Originally Posted by ooo-ribay View Post
A's - Blue

Brewers - Bristol, Harper, Hogan, Joss, Koslo, Lockwood, May, Pattin, Saunders, Walton.

Cubs - Banks, Beckert, Hands, Hundley, Jenkins, Kessinger, Ortiz, Pappas, Pepitone, Popovich, Santo, Williams.

Dodgers - Allen

Giants - Mays (incl. Friars Club variations), Perry(?).

Mets - Seaver.

Orioles - Palmer, Powell, B. Robinson, F. Robinson.

Pirates - Clemente (Hernandez and Oceak photo proofs seen, but not actual pins).

Reds - (Bench and Rose photo proofs seen, but not actual pins)

Red Sox - Aparicio, B. Conigliaro, Culp, Griffin, Josephson, Kennedy, Petrocelli, Scott, Yaz.

Senators - McClain, Howard(?).

White Sox - Richard

Looks like 42 known, with Howard and Perry rumored. Size, pose, finish and/or whether they have the facsimile autograph can vary.

The mystery just keeps getting bigger. One might think there is some connection to the Chicago area given the large number of Cubs and Brewers. There’s a pin of Jose Ortiz for goodness sakes! Talk about obscure. Yet the White Sox only have Lee Richard. Another obscure player. And the Red Sox are well represented. One Met and one Dodger now known and no Yankees. Very strange. Looking forward to seeing if more examples surface.
Baseball's appeal isn't complicated or confusing. It's about the beauty of the game; it's about heroes and family and friends; it's about being part of something larger than yourself, about tradition---receiving it and passing it; and it's about holding on to a bit of your childhood.

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