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Old 12-19-2019, 01:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Fballguy View Post
Just curious Mark...What leads you to believe it was trimmed? I thought the tip looked artificially sharp but being felt maybe it just wore down that way. Anything else?
Oh sorry Rob.... my wording was bad, as is often the case when I'm hurrying.

Regarding the more recent one with the orange spine, it looks to be altered at the extreme tip. What you commonly see is that someone took a scissors to it, to re-sharpen the tip (forming an un-natural point). Many times, these were yanked off the wall (by a Mom or when the kid went off to college, etc). Very often, the tack or nail holding the tip would remain in the wall, and take a chunk of felt with it.

It's very common, and often collectors/sellers will try to re-sharpen the blunted/torn tip by trimming it into an artificial point. When this is done, the pennant can lose well over an inch in length. I am 99% sure that's what happened with Marc's newer orange-spined Giants Pennant.

Another thing to note (which Greg alluded to) is that many of these vintage pennants were manufactured with a blunt point. You can tell if you've seen enough of them. Its a natural look, that's hard to define in writing. But I still remember getting a Braves Pennant at Crosley Field in 1968 with a very blunt tip. I'd estimate that about 15% were just made that way.

Hope this helps to better explain it!

Last edited by perezfan; 12-19-2019 at 01:46 PM.
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