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Old 12-27-2019, 10:08 AM
topcat61 topcat61 is offline
Ryan McCla.nahan
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 247

Originally Posted by jchcollins View Post
This is the kind of stuff I fantasize about having a time machine and being able to go back to. I was born in '77 and started collecting from wax around 1986, so by the time I started going to shows a year or so later, the hobby was already very self-conscious and things had become relatively expensive. Many dealers in the 80's didn't give kids the time of day, and could care less if you were interested in vintage cards. I did build a respectible mid-grade vintage collection despite all this with the funds I was able to scrounge together. A hell of begging with my mother also usually paid dividends, but...

I read about people buying Mantles for a few bucks and just drool. I would have so eaten that up.
I'm the same age as John and started collecting in '84 but I remember hearing all these amazing stories about how cheap vintage cards were selling for. By the time I started collecting vintage and going to shows in 1994, prices were through the roof. I think it stated hitting around 1978 when Beckett Americana came out and certainly when the monthly price guide hit shelves in late 1984. Kinda wish we went back to the 70's card show days cause it's too crazy now.

If I had a time machine, I wouldnt go back just for the cards, but for the publications and I'd really want to meet some of the Hobby pioneers around back then and hear their stories. I always wanted to meet Lionel Carter and Frank Nagy. I think that would've been neat.

Last edited by topcat61; 12-27-2019 at 10:14 AM.
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