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Old 12-28-2019, 09:18 PM
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 91

Originally Posted by samosa4u View Post
You're right. It's the same reason why the hockey/basketball forum is dead. It's not as if they aren't sought-after, because they definitely are, however, collectors of these cards just don't come on here looking for them.

I also want to say that I wasn't taking a jab at football cards because I love them! I recently had a buddy of mine, who owed me some money over some hockey cards that I had given him, ask me if I was interested in taking some of his vintage football cards instead of cash and I told him it depended on what he had. The guy sent me a photo and I nearly fell out of my chair! He had this big lot of 57s! Now the Unitas was OC, and most of them are like this, however, his Starr was beautiful! I phoned him right up and I was like "yes, yes, I want it!"

I have read hundreds of future predictions on this forum, but the statements being made by MRSPORTSCARDCOLLECTOR are completely nuts! Here is his recent one:

I was trying to figure out why he kept making these statements until he posted this earlier today on the main forum:

I rest my case.
LOL. You found out I am a big Boston sports fan. Honestly, I don't find the Mick that big a deal. Maybe because I was born after him? I do love Elvis and the Beatles though because I ended liking their youtube videos. I will still stand by my statement in the end Tom Brady will be the king sportscard over the Mick. I even think Jordan and LeBron cards are better bets than Mantle. I just don't get the appeal of Mantle, heck I take Jackie Robinson or Ty Cobb over him. btw I respect Mantle but I just don't get why people go ga ga over him. I feel the same way with Trout as I rather have Mookie Betts.

Last edited by MRSPORTSCARDCOLLECTOR; 12-28-2019 at 09:19 PM.
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