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Old 01-22-2020, 08:41 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by sebie43 View Post
Have either of you ever come across this variation of silver? Admittedly I've only handled about 40 or so but they are always a very silvery silver and this is pretty matte.
I know what you mean. It doesn’t show up well in a scan, but some have a more shimmery/vibrant look and others a much duller, matte or scuffed look. I don’t think there is an actual variation or that American Lithography changed the process, it’s just how cards have aged/storage conditions. Going through my box of them, the majority of ‘matte’ silvers are in the lower grade cards, I think largely from something rubbing on it over the years.

You can also find cards that appear to have received a double coat of the silver-color application. They are much, much darker and fairly obvious in hand. I have not noticed this with T42/T43/T80/T205 etc with any regularity.

Cards with the silver misaligned a bit will show a tannish color printed ink border beneath the silver. Under magnification, you can see a little bit of it on most cards.
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