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Old 02-11-2020, 11:28 AM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,335

Mike, thanks for sharing scans of your latest '62 JELL-O acquisition. I love the price stamp on the side! The concept of each card costing a tsch over a dime apiece at the time they were issued fires the imagination. "Good 'ol vanilla" Topps would give you 30 cards for that same money in 1962. Us kids were happy with those at the time, but I loved my Post Cereal even more. We had to work harder for those. Then we have the 1962 JELL-O. I lived in Skokie, Illinois at the time and saw them a few times at the JEWEL Supermarket. Late in the summer of '62, I was 8 and the significance of those JELL-Os had finally dawned on me. However, my mother did not want to help get me started on ANOTHER baseball card set. She was almost at the point of being "up to here" with me and baseball cards! The vulnerability of kids is very much a part of the drama of childhood collecting. I really tried to express some of those memories and scenarios in NEVER CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN. It's one of the reasons those immediate post-war sports issues are so very special!

Anyways, I trust your dear wife was just musing about making shots!

Again, congratulations Mike, upon your harpooning of a white whale that's part of a school (set) of white whales. I of course am referring to the ultimate '62 JELL-O whaling adventure---- complete box collecting. ---Brian Powell

Last edited by brian1961; 02-11-2020 at 11:33 AM.
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