Thread: Babe Comes Home
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Old 03-19-2020, 01:44 PM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,160

I didn't know that was a lost film.
If one is ever found, it's a coin toss as to it being viewable. Some stuff from the 20's is in horrible condition, and requires a professional just to get it so some stills can be taken. I've also had film from then that was just fine.
To me the craziest was that some late 1800's films from Edison were found in a closet of an un-airconditioned house in Texas, and were in great condition. Odd how sometimes the stuff that's not taken care of at all ends up surviving just fine.
Even if it's really bad, if there's enough money whatever is found can be restored.

At least one of the series of shorts Ruth was in is available, probably the others as well. I have one, probably "Just Pals" on 16mm film.

Film collectors pretty much didn't place much value on sports films until recently. I used to pick up some nice ones, but now even random HS football games are more than I want to pay.
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