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Old 04-23-2020, 07:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Cliff Bowman View Post
Biggest scam of the last fifty years.
You got it, Cliff. I've never believed in Global Warming, other than the natural course of the planet, which, of course, is still developing and changing all the time. So much skewed info, lies, made up stories, etc, all designed to fleece your pockets and all under the false pretense we are helping to save the planet.

I think of the worldwide protests by our brainwashed youth, those that hate Trump because he didn't buy in with the Paris accord. The list goes on and on, which makes me even more mad knowing that they will likely get away with all of this. Al Gore, President Obama, our moron in charge up here, The Sierra Club, Bill Nye, David Suzuki and a lot of celebrities. All liars and all getting filthy rich off of it.

Originally Posted by todeen View Post
My old hippy friend is a conspiracy theorist. He is anti big government, anti big business, anti establishment, and believes individuals are idiots (for the most part). But he always seems to cite relevant data whether it's about green energy, vaccines, or climate change. He believes climate change is overrated, its an idea overrun by the establishment to sell green energy. He has nothing nice to say about Greta Thunberg - he thinks she is a complete tool of the establishment.

He believes in the science behind a lot of good ideas, but then points to the big money that bankrolls most research. When your primary donor is the Koch brothers, it's hard to release authentic information that tells the truth of the research committed. He says research, even by the federal govt, is always airbrushed to distort what was really discovered.

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I can relate to your friend 100%. There are just too many questions and lies, let alone all the predictions that never came true, that should make everyone say, wait a minute, but no, as soon as you question any of them, you are quickly labeled/called a denier, a racist, a moron and a whole host of other things. With President Obama saying the science is settled, they don't even want to have a friendly/constructive debate as they, like a lot of people, because of who they are and not what they know, people automatically think they are correct. Some people are incapable of critical thinking anymore. Just blindly trust those in charge like good sheep and trust all the fake news.

Originally Posted by bnorth View Post
I have never understood mixing ethanol into gasoline. In every vehicle I have ever owned when I use the 10% ethanol blend I get 10% lower MPG.
And I believe 15% is coming soon, if it hasn't already?? The 10% is bad enough but the 15% and higher can cause major engine damage as has been proven, especially in the marine industry as it is hygroscopic, (absorbs moisture) and can cause engine seizures and all sorts of other damage to fuel systems.

I hope this vid goes viral and gets a lot of mainstream coverage to expose the hypocrites who are actually doing far more damage to this planet than what they said they were doing.

An article in our paper this morning, which I was glad to see.

" “Everywhere I encountered green energy it wasn’t what it seemed, ” Gibbs says early in the film.

He explains why wind and solar power, electric vehicles, ethanol, biomass and biofuels cannot exist without fossil fuel energy and are environmentally destructive.""
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