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Old 04-30-2020, 12:17 PM
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D@le Irv*n
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Originally Posted by AustinMike View Post
Ok, you got me Irv. That article proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that global warming is a hoax. Great research on your part and some mighty fine critical thinking. Mighty fine critical thinking. Increasing CO2 in greenhouses to improve the plants' growth totally disproves global warming. Totally and absolutely disproves global warming. Astounding critical thinking. As I was telling someone the other day ... SQUIRREL!

I knew you wouldn't see it, again.

Like I mentioned before, it is all clearly laid out right before your eyes but if you are having trouble connecting the dots then I can't help you,,,, but I will, reluctantly, try one last time.

Do you not see, right from the get go from Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" to everything in between to current day, has all been designed to gut hook, manipulate and fool you into believing Man Made Global warming?
That should be clear to see that everything about this movement is politically and monetarily motivated, nothing more. Gut hook the masses into believing a false feel good story that tugs at the heart strings and then just sit back and watch the money roll in.
Hire some celebrities, have a child spokesperson like Greta to convince and brainwash our youth, convince the POTUS, and whoola, when the public sees those types getting behind the movement, it becomes a guaranteed cash flow as the sheep, that are incapable to think for themselves, will buy in 100% guaranteed. Nothing but a big !@#$% lie! Did you watch the movie right to the very end, even through the credits? You should as it clearly shows Al Gore's "real" intentions behind his pandering.

Originally Posted by packs View Post
Whether or not you believe in climate change I always have a hard time understanding what it is about clean living that makes people so angry? What is so wrong about wanting a planet without an insane state-sized garbage patch in the middle of the ocean? Is there something wrong with clean drinking water? What's so bad about recycling? Or cleaning up the air? These are honest questions. I'm not looking to antagonize.
I believe in Climate change, it's the false/fake narrative that is behind it that I don't agree with.

The earth has always changed and it always will, and that is natural climate change and no matter how much money we throw it, nothing will ever stop that from happening. It's like throwing money at volcanoes or dropping a sacrificial virgin down into one expecting them to stop erupting. It's insanity.

Those things above you speak of, I also agree with. I think we could do a much better job controlling what is dumped in our lakes, oceans and streams but that has zero to do with Global warming and everything to do with pollution, where I've said from the get go, that is where our attention should be focused rather on the false belief that CO2 is bad, but there is no money in that, is there?

Since the beginning of this movement nothing has ever come true, not one, that they've claimed is going to kill us, including we only have 12 yrs left, which they been spewing for over 20 yrs now, maybe longer?

We are coming out of an ice age and the earth is still developing, changing all the time and there is nothing we can do about it.

I have a hard time understanding, when the earth was once covered in ice, how people don't think of that and question how that ice melted long before man was on this planet???
Numerous and numerous studies, testing, core samples, real science has proven over and over again how the earth once was and how it is continuing to change.

Today's scam/hoax uses computer modelling, where any type of info can be inputted, deleted, manipulated and manufactured and people gobble that nonsense right up!

Michael Mann, the famous "Hockey Stick" graph guy tried to sue someone who questioned his findings/science but because he wouldn't disclose or show how he concluded that, was thrown out of court.
If that doesn't alone make you question the motives behind his cause and the whole movement, then nothing will.
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