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Old 05-01-2020, 08:47 AM
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AustinMike AustinMike is offline
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Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy View Post
You missed a few, but I added them into your timeline (all made by NYC officials). If you like, I can post the video that shows these and more?

Edited to add: And let's not forget the Tweet from the WHO on January 14th.
Hey David, thanks for the response. Finally someone is actually responding to the topics raised and not going off about since CO2 is good for plants in greenhouses global warming can't be true.

Yes, mistakes were made early on by everyone. Primarily due to a lack of information. But as information came in, what were the responses? The WHO tweet you posted was on Jan. 12. On Jan. 23 WHO issued the following statement:

"The initial source of 2019-nCoV still remains unknown. However, it is clear the growing outbreak is no longer due to ongoing exposures at the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan; as in the last one week, less than 15% of new cases reported having visited Huanan market. There is now more evidence that 2019-nCoV spreads from human- to- human and also across generations of cases."

On Jan. 24, WHO issued the following:

"New epidemiological information reinforces the evidence that the 2019-nCoV can be transmitted from one individual to another. During previous outbreaks due to other coronavirus (Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)), human to human transmission occurred through droplets, contact and fomites, suggesting that the transmission mode of the 2019-nCoV can be similar. The strategic objectives of the response are to interrupt the transmission of the virus from one person to another in China, to prevent exportation of cases from China to other countries and territories, and to prevent further transmission from exported case if they were to happen. This can be achieved through a combination of public health measures, such as rapid identification, diagnosis and management of the cases, identification and follow up of the contacts, infection prevention and control in healthcare settings, implementation of health measures for travellers, awareness raising in the population, risk communication."

So, on Jan 24 WHO was advising rapid identification, diagnosis and management of the cases, identification and follow up of the contacts, infection prevention and control in healthcare settings and awareness raising in the population, risk communication. Stick that in the timeline and then compare what was said after that.

I can't defend what NY health officials were saying as late as March 2 (maybe even later), but I do wonder where they were getting their information.

A few more things to ponder:

Prominent US public health adviser Dr Anthony Fauci appeared on Sunday (Apr 12) to confirm a bombshell New York Times report which said he and other Trump administration officials recommended the implementation of physical distancing to combat the coronavirus in February, but were rebuffed for almost a month.

CNN host Jake Tapper asked if Fauci thought “lives could have been saved if social distancing, physical distancing, stay-at-home measures had started [in the] third week of February, instead of mid-March”.

“It’s very difficult to go back and say that,” Fauci said. “I mean, obviously, you could logically say, that if you had a process that was ongoing, and you started mitigation earlier, you could have saved lives. Obviously, no one is going to deny that."

On Apr 19, Trump talking about the lives he saved with his China travel restrictions: “It could have been billions of people if we had not done what we did.”
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