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Old 05-01-2020, 10:10 AM
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AustinMike AustinMike is offline
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Originally Posted by Cliff Bowman View Post
It’our fault that 60% of the floating garbage in the oceans comes from China and five other backwards countries through their carelessness and their choice to do so? Good Lord. ETA: I have no doubt that will work in court for the next guy who is arrested for illegally dumping and telling the judge and jury, “It’s not my fault! You need to charge Home Depot, McDonald’s, Kroger, and Walmart because they are the ones who sold me the packages.”
"It's kind of ignorant and biased to think that we don't contribute anything to the problem" = "It’our fault"?? Good Lord indeed.

From the link I provided earlier: "A red flag to researchers is that many of these countries ranked very poorly on metrics of how well they handle their own plastic waste. A study led by the University of Georgia researcher Jenna Jambeck found that Malaysia, the biggest recipient of US plastic recycling since the China ban, mismanaged 55% of its own plastic waste, meaning it was dumped or inadequately disposed of at sites such as open landfills. Indonesia and Vietnam improperly managed 81% and 86%, respectively."

"Dram shop laws hold bars, restaurants and other alcohol-selling establishments responsible for serving an inebriated patron who then causes an accident. Even social hosts can be liable for this type of negligence."
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