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Old 05-27-2020, 12:20 PM
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AustinMike AustinMike is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 716

Originally Posted by irv View Post
I'm sorry you have a hard time figuring things out, Mike.
Yeah, I apologize. I have a hard time following illogical ramblings that have no point. My bad.

Originally Posted by irv View Post
The purpose of those links was to show you something that is never talked about when it comes to climate change/global warming.
Everything they spew is about man this, man that, when the truth is, many factors outside of our control affect the climate, but of course, none of that is ever talked about. The links are from alarmist sites who are disputing and downplaying what some real scientists are talking about because it goes against their narrative/agenda.
So, the links you posted to are about "something that is never talked about." If it's something never talked about, why are there sites you can link to discussing it? Furthermore, the links are downplaying what "real" scientists are talking about. Again, you claimed nobody is talking about these subjects. But apparently some "real" scientists are talking about it. And even though some "real" scientists are talking about it, you link to "alarmists" who are downplaying the "something." What is the point of anything you say or link to. That's right, there is no logical point. All you can do is call people who don't agree with you names.

Originally Posted by irv View Post
One would think, after decades of getting things wrong, one would open their eyes and say, wait a minute, you clowns have been spewing this crap forever but nothing has ever come true. But no, I guess the sheep, who are incapable of thinking for themselves, can't see that so they just keep on believing what they are fed because it fits their narrative and continues to feed their brainwashed belief system.
So, if someone disagrees with you, they're "sheep." They're "incapable of thinking for themselves." And I guess, what, anyone who agrees with you is a genius and clearly able to think for their self? More pointless, juvenile name calling.

Originally Posted by irv View Post
Curious, Mike, what are your thoughts on the record breaking cold spring that many places had this year? Is that all part of global warming as well? I know the alarmists say it is all connected and that we shouldn't even consider those temps we seen, but I'm curious on your thoughts?
That last quote pretty much sums you up. There are countless sites that discuss your question. If you had the slightest bit of curiosity you could investigate it yourself. But you don't. You don't want to upset your bliss. Even though I know you won't look at it, here's one:
M.!.c.h.@.3.L. . H.v.n.T
Don't believe everything you think
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