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Old 05-30-2020, 01:09 PM
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AustinMike AustinMike is offline
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Originally Posted by Cliff Bowman View Post
What irony.
What irony indeed!

Originally Posted by Cliff Bowman View Post
I had made the decision to not participate in this thread anymore but when I saw these from Captain TDS I had to respond.
Oooh, I’m a Captain now!! Last time I was only a Mr. I’m moving up in the world!!!

Originally Posted by Cliff Bowman View Post
Unless I missed a post of yours, and I don’t believe I did, when have you ever addressed the subject of this thread?
Let’s examine this belief of yours, shall we? When did I enter this thread? Post 22 where I clearly addressed the movie which was the only subject the OP wrote about in the first post. The OP wanted everyone to see the movie. Someone with your name even responded to my post in Post 23. In Post 26 I again talked about the movie. Another belief shot to hell.

Originally Posted by Cliff Bowman View Post
It is about scumbag millionaires and billionaires profiting from a green energy scam by clearcutting whole forests and destroying the animals living in them in order to line their own pockets and give the false impression that they are actually doing something good.
Then why did you and Dale start talking about the hoax of climate change?

Originally Posted by Cliff Bowman View Post
ETA: If you want to spew your MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL AND I WILL MAKE YOU SUBMIT! crap then start your own thread.
When did this thread veer into a discussion of climate change? Post 4. “Biggest scam of the last fifty years.” Please note who wrote that. Is he a relative of yours? What made me think Post 4 was about climate change and not the movie? Post 8, “You got it, Cliff. I've never believed in Global Warming”. Please note who wrote that, the OP. When did climate change next come up? Post 10, ”a lifelong leftist who has bought into everything about climate change.” Oops, there’s your relative again. We have to wait all the way until Post 11 when we are regaled with this,” Start with a big lie that will get everyone, (or most) on board, with Global warming.” The OP again. As I said above, I didn’t enter the thread until Post 22, well after you and the OP were discussing climate change. Did I “spew” forth anything that claimed climate change is real in that post? No. I merely corrected you two who appeared to be saying the movie (the subject of the first post) said climate change is a hoax. After all, the subject of the thread was the movie and you two were acting like it was saying climate change is wrong. The movie does no such thing. In Post 26 I again talked about the movie. Did I defend or attack climate change in any posts up to this point? No. If I’m wrong, please point out where I said anything about climate change being real before Post 26. In Post 28 you didn’t admit you were claiming the movie denied climate change, but you did say, “It [the movie] has nothing to do with if global warming is real or not.” At that point I was ready to walk away. I even ignored Dale (the OP) in Post 30 where he directly asked me, “Do you not see, right from the get go from Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" to everything in between to current day, has all been designed to gut hook, manipulate and fool you into believing Man Made Global warming?” I also ignored some other swipes at climate change after that. I jumped in (Post 50) to counter the myths that only certain impoverished Asian countries are causing the “waste islands” in the oceans (a misdirection of the main subject not started by me, but perpetuated by YOU in Post 37). I jumped in (Post 49) to counter the myth that scientists were claiming a global cool down in the 70s. Again, a misdirection not started by me. I even ignored your juvenile attempt to goad me back in to the thread in Post 61 with, “Just let the thread die, all you are going to do is conjure up Mr. TDS again with all of his nonsense.”

So, when did I begin my defense of climate change? Post 67. 67. Why did I write Post 67? In direct response to Post 65. Let that sink in when considering what you wrote, “If you want to spew your MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL AND I WILL MAKE YOU SUBMIT! crap then start your own thread.” Why do you insinuate that I hijacked this thread? That is ironic.

Furthermore, “MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL AND I WILL MAKE YOU SUBMIT!” Please, oh please, explain to me why my posts are “I WILL MAKE YOU SUBMIT!” and the others aren’t? What? Is it First Amendment rights only for those who believe like you do? Everyone else needs to STFU? You don’t like what I’m writing and so therefore it is “I WILL MAKE YOU SUBMIT!”? What exactly is it that makes you become unhinged enough to “spew” that my counterarguments to other posts should be considered “I WILL MAKE YOU SUBMIT!”?
M.!.c.h.@.3.L. . H.v.n.T
Don't believe everything you think
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