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Old 06-06-2020, 09:41 AM
packs packs is online now
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Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe View Post
Fair point......but I just don't like the this is ok but that is not ok (basically told by the media what is ok and what isn't), I'm not saying drop the social distancing, drop the masks, drop everything, 100% back to how it was.....I'm just saying with what we now know, and with 40K jamming a park to protest, if that is fine, then EVERYTHING should be fine.

Simple answer for those who do not agree: Stay Home.

Let everyone else have the option....have choice.

Let's go back to right before May 1, remember how CNN and several said Georgia is making a HUGE mistake re-opening, it's going to be a disaster. That Governor got pounded.

Welp....over a month later and that sure didn't happen......nor is there mention of it. But had it turned into a disaster, we would have been pounded by that by the media.

And if Baseball players don't get their act together soon.......they are going to let the NHL & NBA show them up. And NBA and NHL players are sweating on each other, slamming into each other, covering each by design is already socially distanced, not one fielder is near another fielder.....and the batter to the catcher, well the catcher already has a mask on. How baseball doesn't play comes down to just plain GREED.

I'm sorry but I'll play for my full salary, but not with a paycut, doesn't many got furloughed, lost their job, or took paycuts. Get your asses out there and do your jobs. Plenty of minor leaguers would gladly come up and take their spots to have a shot. And think of all of the jobs they then are holding up, vendors in and outside the park, security positions, parking lot attendents, etc. etc.....and a lot of these are minority positions as the stadiums are in the big want to do something for this movement get your asses back to work to get these people money coming in (and off the street).

And again if you are a player or coach worried, simply answer: Stay Home.

You keep bringing up things you want to do, but nobody wants to be at the protests. Nobody wanted what happened to George Floyd to have happened to him or anyone else. Again, I would ask that you consider the motivation behind the things you’re comparing.

Last edited by packs; 06-06-2020 at 01:49 PM.
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