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Old 06-08-2020, 08:17 AM
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Robert Williams
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Originally Posted by 1952boyntoncollector View Post
i just saw a bunch of college kids at the corner with signs....i am going to assume they dont know how many unarmed white and black men were killed by police last year....they are out of school right now

to me its easy to protest when you are under 22 or whatever years old and school is out and you have zero responsibility and everyone gives you props for 'protesting' especially on day 14 or whatever when everyone is lauded for how great it is to protest

i think you would be surprised how much has changed in the lifes of protestors now versus the protestors in the 1960s ...the racial makeup of the mayors/state attorneys/national guard/police is a lot different then just 40 years ago but you can correct me if i am wrong

its a worthy cause, i not saying there is no racial injustice but to say its like the 1960s when people were risking their jobs and health and not getting instagram follows and likes and celebrity endorsements is a whole different situation ...and the amount of money raised is amazing

if we lower funding on police are we prepared for them to stop using the body cameras.... i thought that was a great thing to do....i think in the floyd matter , there would of been a lot of justice and body cameras would of been available and lawsuits regardless the protests...not sure police departments will want to continue to condone behavior which costs their departments 100s of millions of dollars in lawsuits. used to be when charges were not never brought or the case was lost in court then you would see protesting...

also forget getting millions in future lawsuits when the money stops going into police departments.....i hope people have thought it out..
Well said...protests used to be when a verdict came out that people didn't like...someone was elected they didn't like....

In this instance the cops got fired and are being tried for murder. Yet the protest continue. Will they protest if the cops are found guilty too? Makes you wonder.
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