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Old 07-07-2020, 08:19 AM
investinrookies investinrookies is offline
Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 330

Originally Posted by brian1961 View Post
Obviously, both these cards hold tremendous appeal to you. I feel you kinda answered the question yourself when you said of the Cobb, "dead centered with exceptional eye appeal". You love them both, but since the Ty satisfies you the most, and since you must part with one, your not as well-centered and average eye appeal Jackie MUST be the one that helps you fund your big card purchase.

My sincerest condolences for having to part with a card you do indeed like to procure another you want. I hope you're able to land the new one with no regrets.

My best to you, sir. --- Brian Powell
its a hard call which is why I thought Id ask the board. You are right the cobb I like better and overall its a better card from an eye appeal standpoint, thus more satisfying to me. That being said, its hard to part with the Jackie due to it being a RC, iconic, and in such a high grade. Right now it seems like the overwhelming choice is to hold the Cobb and sell the Jackie.
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