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Old 09-06-2020, 10:14 AM
carlsonjok carlsonjok is online now
Jeff Carlson
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Norman, OK
Posts: 581
Default Who do I blame for this?

I went to a card show yesterday (only my second this year) and did fairly well. The only one of my usual sources that was there was Roger Neufeldt. He tends to sell at slightly higher quality and, thus higher prices than I prefer for my set building, so I have to do some bargain shopping but can usually find enough to spend my budget and still have to put some back.

I thought I found a screaming deal on a 1965 Joe Morgan RC. I thought it was so cheap because of the slight stain on the front. However, when I got it home.... well, see for yourself.

That top border is a big yikes. I am assuming this isn't a manufacturing defect, but rather someone trimming the card poorly?

Don't get me wrong, at $15, I am quite happy with this card and it will look just fine in my set. I am more curious about how this happened. Thanks.
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