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Old 12-04-2020, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Kevvyg1026 View Post
Found this miscut on ebay. Shows that Monboquette is either above or below a team card. The only possibilities are: 473 Mets team (red banner, green inset) or 503 Braves team (yellow banner, blue inset). The other team card in the series, Indians team (451), has already been established as being in the same row as Monboquette.

I believe that may alter some of the potential layouts that were discussed earlier.

Attachment 429397
I don't know how you find these scans, I can't find that Monbouquette anywhere. If you have a scenario where the blue based/red circle row abuts into the red based/green circle row then it would work out with the Monbouquette and the Mets team card each being the second card in each respective row or the tenth card in each respective row if the two rows are flipped over.
“interesting to some absolute garbage to others.” —- “Error cards and variations are for morons, IMHO.”
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