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Old 12-08-2020, 06:59 PM
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John Hanssen
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Nebraska
Posts: 1,085

I was talking about just this at work with some younger ladies and gentlemen today. They were going on and on about how great some of the artists of the last 10 years or so are so much more talented then anything from the past and how they had lived for their music and had such great passion. So I turned then onto a video of Joe Cocker - You are so beautiful and A little help from my friends. They had to admit that they know the songs and even most of the words but never heard do that old crazy guy that made those faces and obviously had a Hugh pharmaceutical problem with a whiskey chaser. At least the old guy had there attention for a few minutes and that just maybe I had some interesting thing to bring to a conversation.
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