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Old 01-05-2021, 02:19 PM
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glchen glchen is offline
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Originally Posted by ajjohnsonsoxfan View Post
State of CA has it spelled out here:

I love that 99.9% of people throwing shade on governors and mayors couldn't manage themselves out of a paper bag.
AJ, I don't know what you mean by that second line, but that's absolutely not true because this information has not been communicated effectively. I read the online news in my area every day, and I've never seen that page that you pointed out. Even that page does not provide information on how you sign up for the vaccination. As I said, my parents are over 75, so that means, they are in Tier 1B. Since you seem like a know-it-all, When will they be able to get the vaccine? Who do they contact? Some states are already vaccinating this group already.

Regarding rumors of folks who are refusing shots like the police, we don't know the reasons behind it. As some said, it may be noble because they prefer that more vulnerable populations get the shot first. It may be that they've already had covid, so they don't need the vaccine. It is not necessarily that they don't believe the vaccine works or has been tested enough.

From what I've read, the vaccine is very safe unless you have a history of severe allergies (i.e, regularly carry an epipen) or are under 18. The approved vaccines have not been tested for that age group sufficiently. After you receive the vaccine, you need to wait around for 15 minutes or so to make sure you don't have an allergic reaction even if you don't have a history of it.

I would immediately get the vaccine for myself and my family when it is offered. However, I do understand why some folks may be nervous about it or even defer it for the time. The vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna use mRNA technology which has never been used before in vaccinations. This is brand new bioengineering happening here. It's not like the weakened form of the covid virus that has been used for other vaccinations in the past like polio. So this is not like the situation with anti-vaxxers for the measles shot where those folks are just nuts because that vaccine that been thoroughly tested for years. The covid vaccine is new technology, but saying that, it is safe and definitely worth getting.
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