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Old 01-09-2021, 08:06 AM
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Butch7999 Butch7999 is offline
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Originally Posted by steve B View Post
Part of what caused this is people only listening to news/information/ideas from one source or type of source.

Don't be part of creating the next problem.
True. But "alternative facts" are not news, baseless rumours are not information, and baldfaced lies are not ideas.
There's little point in wasting our time listening to hate-fueled ignorance unless the object is to lower our IQs even further.
Besides, we read and hear the "digest" version of the indigestible cluelessness and bigotry out there anyway,
as reliably and more succinctly reported by actual honest-to-gosh news outlets, no need to have that
undiluted stupidity vomited at us at tedious full length like our mum's radio does when we visit her.
-- the three idiots at
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