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Old 03-01-2021, 09:31 PM
Roland 49 Roland 49 is offline
Rolando Sánchez
Join Date: Feb 2021
Location: Habana Cuba
Posts: 1,110
Default Kenny Cole

Hi Kenny Cole now I connected to the thread and I read your message that you won the catalog I am very happy since we have been in contact for some time, I have not received any recent message through Clem, he is a great person and very helpful, but with a lot He works and constantly receives emails and they accumulate and he delays in answering them, a few days ago he was sick and an email that I sent him told me that he would send them in a few days when he was better in health, he had had to go to the hospital, he answered that already I was better, the last email from you to me, I answered you right away, I don't know if you received it, this was I think more than a week ago, I answered your questions; Yes, I have separated the Mallorquinas cards, Cabañas, the Alejandro Oms postcards from 1919, the 1920 ones, the Cuban Stars, etc., The Mallorquinas from W. Foster and Lloyd, when you asked I no longer had them, when I received your message from Clem I answer you through him, greetings
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