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Old 01-06-2022, 04:27 PM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: South Dakota
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Originally Posted by steve B View Post
I take essentially the same stuff for ADD. It is NOT like a red bull. Until you get used to it it's more like slamming several red bulls at once. (They didn't warn me to not drink my usual 8 cups of coffee before 10AM.... made for a very "interesting" first day!)
The early dose of the current stuff which is amphetamines was literally in green capsules. I had to explain to my doctor my comment about it making me feel like a ballplayer.

For me it helps me concentrate. Which if I had any small smidgen of talent might have made me a marginally better batter.
Ok, 1-1, maybe a curve coming... hey I think the pitcher shoelace is.. nope, just the angle. Hey that's an interesting cloud, and it's moving towards us while the wind is blowing out...
Darn it! Got to focus better...

From a not so scientific test done in the batting cages up the road a ways.
It does not help me hit a pitch moving more than about 50mph.
It does not help me hit the ball harder.

Some other stuff along with actual training would help hit harder, but probably wouldn't help with the coordintion or reflexes.
For the most part amphetamines in the batting cage would be used at higher doses so you can hit way way longer. The smaller doses are for games so you are not tired while playing.

The steroids come in because they let you heal at an insane rate. You need them after the crazy intense workouts you can do from the amphetamines. Without the steroids your body breaks down really fast from the workouts the amphetamines allow you to do.

It is best if you can stack a few different PEDs that all do different things.

Steroids are like aspirin, the work different with different people. The problem is most think steroids and instantly picture roided to the gills Mark McGwire. That is not how they work for everyone. Just look at all the skinny pitchers that have been busted over the years. Another perfect example is the Canseco brothers. Jose was a super star and then you had Ozzie.
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