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Old 01-25-2022, 09:02 PM
Michael B Michael B is offline
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Unfortunately the great unwashed and Qmorons who are not critical thinkers complain about 'draconian rules' (their words) in other countries yet they know little of what they speak. Post all of the links you wish but the truth wills out.

'Texas Ted' and a Canadian member here railed about Australia and their rules. The facts:

Australia - population 25.69 million.
Location Cases Deaths
Australian Capital Territory 31,941 25
New South Wales 994K 1,139
Northern Territory 9,702 2
Queensland 345K 129
South Australia 103K 74
Tasmania 25,884 16
Victoria 776K 1,836
Western Australia 1,415 9

Hmmm. I guess it is not working there. Western Australia with a population of 2.7 million. Its largest city Perth with 2 million people. My God, the horrors!!!!

New Zealand has always been a bio-control zone. Try to bring a piece of fruit, raw nuts or seeds into the country and you will pay a hefty fine. If you have ever tried to enter the country you know what I mean. I have. You go through biological control before you can even go through passport control. The first time I was there in 2002 for the America's Cup prelim races the headline on the news for two days was about some school buses that were purchased from Australia. They found a non-native spider on one of them. They were tented and fumigated in a large parking lot for several days.

New Zealand
Total cases

The current population of New Zealand is 4,883,423 as of Tuesday, January 25, 2022.
I guess their PM Jacinda Arden is just some Gen Xer who is too young to know and panicked when she put her country on lockdown and closed the borders.

That is pretty amazing. 52 deaths in a country of 4.9 million people over a two year period. Ontario had that many on Monday, January 17, 2022.

Ontario - population 14.57 million
Total cases

So a country with 33.5% of the population of your PROVINCE has 0.48% of the number of deaths. The Maoris should uprise and overthrow the government. Kill all the Kiwis!!!
'Integrity is what you do when no one is looking'

"The man who can keep a secret may be wise, but he is not half as wise as the man with no secrets to keep”

Last edited by Michael B; 01-25-2022 at 09:46 PM.
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