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Old 02-04-2022, 04:25 PM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Default Huge Boxing Magazine Collection in Canada For Sale

Have an older gentleman who visits my websites contact me with a lifetime collection of Boxing Publications.

I'm up to my gills in boxing magazines already, but I agreed to help him see if there might be any interest from anybody else.

He has most of the major titles (around 40 different with spin-offs) from the early to mid-1950's when he started picking them up at the news stand, until the present day. Doesn't appear to be any of the more obscure regional stuff.

797 Ring Magazines
266 KO Magazines
350+ Boxing Illustrated's in it's various forms

Around 2500+ magazines, very little duplication.

Claims most are in very clean condition. Read once and then cataloged and put away neatly in file boxes.

Catch is, he's located in British Columbia, Canada.

He's in his 80's now and wants to find a new home for these. Ideally someone from Canada, as it would cost a fortune to ship them anywhere else. He would prefer to sell the entire lot in one go and is open to offers, but might be willing to break up into bigger lots of individual titles if needed. He does NOT have a firm price on what he's looking for to move them.

He has the collection very neatly listed in some Word files, in various formats of organization.

Anybody interested PM me and I will pass on the Word Files and his contact information to you.


You can also contact me at: david at boxingtreasures dot com
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