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Old 02-05-2022, 08:16 PM
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Scott S
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Boston area
Posts: 2,632

Hey Dave - welcome! Definitely sounds like you came upon the Canadian version of the T218s, which are known via the catalog code of C52. We've got a long thread going about these as well:

C52 thread

The C52 cards are very hard to find, compared to the T218s - though there aren't a lot of folks assembling sets of these (I'm one who is though!). There typically may be a small premium over the T218s for the C52s. The Jack Johnson is definitely the prize of the set, and likely would sell for a few hundred even in rough shape, and just go up from there!

Would love to hear / see more about what you have, and potentially would have some interest in these if you're looking to sell!


And sorry, I don't really know anything about the Cowboy and other series you had mentioned....
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