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Old 05-01-2022, 11:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Tabe View Post
I'm not sure there's a whole lot of mystery as to CSG's reasoning. They did the math and decided that partnering with PWCC would generate enough revenue and market share gain to offset any hit their rep might take by laying down with filth like PWCC. What other reasoning could there be?

But, of course a topic like the CSG/PWCC partnership is going to generate a lot of negative comments toward both parties. "But CSG hasn't done anything wrong - yet!" isn't a defense here. The "anything wrong" is partnering with PWCC in the first place. If you partner up with an enterprise that is a known criminal enterprise, you're no longer an innocent party who has done nothing wrong. People pointing this out - even sarcastically- are not misdirecting the conversation. They're taking it to a logical destination. How can you possibly discuss a PWCC/CSG partnership in any meaningful way and NOT bring up PWCC's criminal activities? You can't, IMHO.

You guys keep talking about PWCC as if any of these allegations have been proven. You might be convinced, but the prosecutors asks FBI clearly were not. CSG probably couldn't care less about hobby conspiracy theories.

PWCC has been charged with zero crimes. PWCC is a big player in this market. That's probably all CSG cares about. I wouldn't even be surprised if they knew absolutely nothing about all the PWCC conspiracy theories in fact. That stuff is pretty deep in the shadows of this hobby.
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