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Old 05-07-2022, 06:17 PM
carlsonjok carlsonjok is offline
Jeff Carlson
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Norman, OK
Posts: 582

Originally Posted by Mark17 View Post
It's been a bit of a Catch-22 situation for me. My last gig in IT ended June 2019 and I've basically been retired since. It's been great to relax, stay up late, sleep in late, not be concerned with commuting or work related issues, etc.

I've had a lot more time to grow my collection and it's been a lot of fun. In fact, I'm online for hours each day looking for stuff. Problem is, in order to keep growing my collection, and to be able to afford the really good stuff...... I've been thinking about going back to work.
I'm at a sorta similar place. I am not retired, though I am only 5 to 10 years away. I'm a career supply chain professional and have spent the last 10 years doing sourcing and procurement in the oil and gas industry (midstream division.) My employer was bought out last year by a larger company and faced with the choice of moving to Houston or moving on, I chose the latter. My retention and severance have given me enough of a financial cushion to consider a change in direction.

I have been thinking about getting into consulting, but don't have the network to hang out a shingle. And I wasn't interested in the big accounting/consulting firms (PWC, EY, Deloitte) because they are generally sweatshops for young 'uns fresh out of B school. I'm in the process of getting aligned with RGP, which has an interesting business model. It is gig work, of a sort, but they actually do it on a W-2 basis and offer benefits. I know the plural of anecdote isn't data, but I just completed my background check application Friday morning and had a call that afternoon about a potential contract. It was pretty far away from my O&G experience (and I am still on retention for another month), so I demurred. But, it looks like a possible route to income while maintaining flexibility to take time off between assignments.

Lastly, I would note that they have a technology practice.
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